JENNY Cummins children's
Opportunity FUND

A beautiful gift to our community

"Epiphany School has changed the trajectory of so many children’s lives. With this fund, we can offer this superb education to an even wider array of children and their families." —Jenny Cummins

The first of its kind at Epiphany School, Jenny and Richard Cummins established the Jenny Cummins Children's Opportunity Fund to provide tuition assistance to under-represented students. In her 30 years as an Epiphany School teacher, diversity was a focus of Jenny's work and a hallmark of her dedication to the children of our school. On the eve of Jenny's retirement, she and Richard realized they had a unique opportunity to "pay it forward," to create something to take Epiphany School to the next level in our journey to make an extraordinary education accessible to as many children as possible.

The Jenny Cummins Children's Opportunity Fund offers access to an enriching experience to a diverse array of students and families, in turn strengthening and enhancing our greater school community. Developing a school environment that better reflects the world around us—with diverse perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds—allows all students to grow well-developed skills of empathy, collaboration, compassion, and cultural agility, essential traits for success in today's increasingly global and relational world.

We invite you to make a difference in all our students' lives and support the Jenny Cummins Children's Opportunity Fund.

Consider a multi-year pledge, a one-time gift, or an annual gift distributed over several payments. Make your pledge or gift today!

Our Information

Our EIN:

Mailing Address:
Epiphany School
Development Office
3611 East Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98122

Contact Us:
Development Office
(206) 971-3009

Donor Privacy Policy

Epiphany School is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Epiphany School's nonprofit tax identification number (EIN) is 23-7014921.